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Endless Summer Hydrangea: The Deerresistant Hydrangea That Blooms All Summer

Title: Endless Summer Hydrangea: The Deer-Resistant Hydrangea That Blooms All Summer


If you're looking for a hydrangea that will bloom all summer long and deer won't touch, then the Endless Summer hydrangea is the perfect choice for you. These beautiful shrubs are known for their large, showy flowers that can range in color from blue to pink to purple. They're also relatively easy to care for, making them a great choice for even the most novice gardener.

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Endless Summer hydrangeas are a type of reblooming hydrangea, which means that they can produce flowers on both old and new wood. This makes them a great choice for gardeners in colder climates, as they can still produce flowers even if they experience a late frost.

Endless Summer hydrangeas are also relatively deer-resistant. This is because their flowers contain a compound that deer don't like the taste of. However, it's important to note that no plant is 100% deer-proof, so it's always a good idea to take some precautions to protect your plants, such as using fencing or netting.

Endless Summer hydrangeas prefer to grow in partial shade. Too much sun can scorch their leaves and prevent them from blooming. They also need well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.

To care for your Endless Summer hydrangea, water it regularly, especially during hot, dry weather. Fertilize it in the spring with a balanced fertilizer. And, if you live in a cold climate, be sure to mulch it around the base to help protect it from the cold.


Endless Summer hydrangeas are a beautiful and easy-to-care-for addition to any garden. They're perfect for gardeners who want to enjoy their flowers all summer long, and they're deer-resistant, so you can be sure they'll be safe from those pesky pests.

FAQ of endless summer hydrangea deer resistant

  • Are endless summer hydrangeas deer resistant?

Yes, endless summer hydrangeas are considered to be deer resistant. This is because they have a bitter taste that deer do not like. However, it is important to note that no plant is completely deer resistant, and hungry deer may still eat them if there are no other food sources available.

  • What are some other deer resistant hydrangea varieties?

Some other deer resistant hydrangea varieties include: * Annabelle hydrangea * Limelight hydrangea * Oakleaf hydrangea * PeeGee hydrangea * Smooth hydrangea

  • How can I protect my endless summer hydrangeas from deer?

If you live in an area with a high deer population, there are a few things you can do to protect your endless summer hydrangeas: * Plant them in a location that is difficult for deer to reach, such as a raised bed or a fenced-in area. * Use a deer repellent, such as a commercial product or a homemade mixture of garlic, chili peppers, and water. * Apply a physical barrier, such as chicken wire or deer netting, around your hydrangeas.

  • Why didn't my endless summer hydrangea bloom?

There are a few reasons why your endless summer hydrangea might not have bloomed. Here are a few possibilities: * The plant did not receive enough sunlight. Hydrangeas need at least 6 hours of sunlight per day to bloom. * The plant was over-watered or under-watered. Hydrangeas should be watered deeply once a week, but they should not be allowed to sit in water. * The plant was not fertilized properly. Hydrangeas need a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, applied in the spring and summer.

  • Do you deadhead endless summer hydrangeas in the fall?

No, you do not need to deadhead endless summer hydrangeas in the fall. In fact, deadheading can actually prevent the plant from blooming the following year. Instead, you should wait until the spring to deadhead your hydrangeas, when you can see the new flower buds forming.

Image of endless summer hydrangea deer resistant

  1. Endless Summer Hydrangea in Full BloomImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in full bloom This image shows a large, healthy Endless Summer Hydrangea in full bloom. The flowers are a beautiful shade of blue, and they are arranged in large, cone-shaped clusters. The plant is surrounded by green leaves, and it is planted in a bed of mulch.

  2. Endless Summer Hydrangea in Partial ShadeImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in partial shade This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in partial shade. The flowers are a slightly lighter shade of blue than the previous image, and they are not as large. However, the plant is still healthy and vibrant.

  3. Endless Summer Hydrangea with DeerImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea with deer This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea that has been nibbled on by deer. The deer have eaten some of the leaves and flowers, but the plant is still alive and healthy. The deer are not deterred by the plant's deer resistance, but they do not seem to be causing any significant damage.

  4. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a ContainerImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in a container This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in a container. The plant is a bit smaller than the previous images, but it is still healthy and full of flowers. The container is placed on a patio, and the plant is getting plenty of sunlight.

  5. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a LandscapeImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in a landscape This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in a landscape. The plant is surrounded by other flowers and shrubs, and it is providing a splash of color to the yard. The plant is healthy and well-maintained, and it is clearly a popular addition to the landscape.

  6. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a White FlowerbedImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in a white flowerbed This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in a white flowerbed. The plant is surrounded by white flowers, such as roses and lilies. The contrast between the blue flowers and the white flowers is striking, and the plant is a beautiful addition to the flowerbed.

  7. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a Pink FlowerbedImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in a pink flowerbed This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in a pink flowerbed. The plant is surrounded by pink flowers, such as petunias and impatiens. The combination of the blue flowers and the pink flowers is very pretty, and the plant is a welcome addition to the flowerbed.

  8. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a Mixed FlowerbedImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in a mixed flowerbed This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in a mixed flowerbed. The plant is surrounded by a variety of flowers, including yellow, orange, and purple flowers. The combination of the blue flowers and the other flowers creates a colorful and vibrant display.

  9. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a Container on a PatioImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in a container on a patio This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in a container on a patio. The plant is surrounded by other plants, such as a palm tree and a hibiscus plant. The plant is healthy and well-maintained, and it is providing a splash of color to the patio.

  10. Endless Summer Hydrangea in a Landscape with a WaterfallImage of Endless Summer Hydrangea in a landscape with a waterfall This image shows an Endless Summer Hydrangea growing in a landscape with a waterfall. The plant is surrounded by trees and shrubs, and it is getting plenty of sunlight. The waterfall provides a peaceful backdrop for the plant, and the combination of the two elements creates a stunning scene.

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